OK, guys, the time has come to bite the “dark matter” bullet. Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) were once upon a time a favoured type of “dark matter”, but not any more, since according to most physicists, “experiment” has “proved” that WIMPs “don’t exist”. Now, as a Weakly Interacting Mathy Person, I can tell you that us WIMPs do exist, it’s just that you completely fail to notice us.

What is a WIMP, basically? A neutron is a WIMP, because it has no electric charge, so does not interact electrically, but it undergoes beta decay into a proton, electron and anti-neutrino, so interacts “weakly” (to use the technical term). Why are neutrons ruled out as WIMPs that could explain “dark matter”? How, in other words, do we “know” that interstellar space isn’t completely full of free neutrons just milling about, clogging space up, and making things much heavier than they seem?

How we “know” this is because neutrons decay with a half-life of about 10 minutes, so that over the lifetime of the universe (or even of a galaxy) they would all have disappeared. So either we need a method of stopping them from decaying, or a method of replenishing the supply. I will address both questions, because in both cases the experimental evidence indicates that the theory may not be correct.

So first let us address the half-life of neutron decay. There is a persistent 3 sigma discrepancy in measurements of this half-life, depending on the method used to measure it. Hmmm. What does that mean? It means that we do not know what the half-life of neutron decay is, even in extremely tightly controlled experimental environments on the Earth. How, therefore, have we got a snowball’s chance in Hell of knowing what the half-life of neutron decay is in inter-galactic space? Firstly, we can’t see the neutrons in the first place, and secondly we can’t detect the anti-neutrinos that are the signature of the decay. To a first approximation, I would say that we have no experimental evidence that such neutrons decay at all, and if they do, the half-life could be a billion years, or a billionth of a second.

But maybe we can do better than that. If they exist, *and* they decay, then the resulting electrons and protons will create magnetic fields on an intergalactic scale. Do we see the evidence of magnetic fields on such an inconceivably large scale? Well, actually, yes we do. Galaxies tend to line up, spinning in the same direction on a vast axis on a scale of tens or hundreds of millions of light years. This could be caused by beta decay of intergalactic neutrons, but if you say this explanation is impossible, please tell me what your “better” explanation is?

Even if the intergalactic neutrons exist, and their decay causes these huge magnetic fields, we still don’t know how long it takes for this decay to happen, and for the fields to build up to the required strength. And we still don’t know how many neutrons there were in the first place, or how many there are left, or how many get replenished every time a neutron-rich star explodes. But there are some clues in the experimental record. One is the critical acceleration of MOND, which describes a phase transition between Newton-Einstein gravity and an entirely different inverse-linear regime.

What could this acceleration have to do with WIMPs in general, or neutrons in particular? It could, for example, be a cut-off point below which free neutrons are completely stable. One could hypothesise that a certain minimum acceleration is required in order to shake up the neutrons enough for them to fall apart. One could hypothesise that as the acceleration increases, the half-life decreases. One could design experiments to test such hypotheses. One could hypothesise that in regions of the universe in which the gravitational pull of stars and galaxies falls below this value, the universe is full of neutrons that are completely undetectable via electromagnetic and weak interactions. Such a hypothesis would explain why these WIMPs (neutrons) have not been detected – they are in principle undetectable.

OK, so this gives us a candidate WIMP for baryonic dark matter: free neutrons that are too cold to decay. This candidate emerges from an analysis of the experimental evidence, and has nothing whatever to do with hypothetical WIMPs dreamt up in speculative theories by imaginative theorists. It may not be correct, but it is a reasonable conjecture.

Now if you put the wide binary test in front of me, and say that this test actually rules out this type of WIMP, I will have to think more deeply. But I think you are wrong to say that these WIMPs are ruled out by this test: what is ruled out is a galaxy-scale uniform dark matter halo. But the observations that support MOND indicate that “dark matter”, whatever it is, closely tracks the ordinary matter that we can detect. If it consists of neutrons, then this property follows from standard theory anyway, so that the analysis that supports a quasi-Newtonian regime with an enhanced value of G appears to be consistent with this hypothesis.

Anyway, food for thought. I’ve got some more WIMP candidates if you manage to rule this one out.

23 Responses to “WIMPs”

  1. Nige Cook Says:

    Dark matter has a long anc chequered history. The key graph alleging to prove it is now an antique: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy_rotation_curve#/media/File:Rotation_curve_of_spiral_galaxy_Messier_33_(Triangulum).png

    Newtonian gravitation predicts that the orbital velocity of stars in the spiral arms of rotating galaxies should decrease at great distances from the centre of the galaxy. Redshift and blueshift data from the stars shows that the velocity instead remains constant or increases at large radii, and this was held up as evidence of dark (non-luminous) matter of some sort (initially assumed to be either cold dust or cold dust clouds, but later more exotic stuff when observations of light coming through the spaces from more distant galaxies showed no attenuation)

    Milgrom’s alternative idea of modifying Newtonian gravity at very low accelerations below 10^{-10} m/s^2.

    If you take Hubble’s recession velocity law, v = HR, where distance R = cT, and H is Hubble’s “parameter”,

    v = HR = HcT, where T is “time into the past”

    Time since big bang, t (years) = (1.37 x 10^10) – T

    Thus, T = (1.37 x 10^10) + t (years)

    v = Hct = Hc[(1.37 x 10^10) + t (years)]

    acceleration, a = dv/dt = Hc ~ 10^{-10} m/s^2

    Now what’s really interesting is that if you take this acceleration and put it into newton’s 2nd law, F = ma, you get the outward force of the big bang. Newton’s 3rd law then gives an equal inward force, like an implosion bomb. From Feynman’s rules for interactions, you get the simple graviton cross section (it’s about 1 barn for the sum of all the particles of observable matter in the universe). Then simple geometry gives you the mechanism for gravitational forces as depicted clearly in https://vixra.org/pdf/1305.0012v2.pdf

    My father was arguing this back in the 1980s: everything in the universe is very similar to the phenomena in a 10^55 megaton nuclear explosion. Dr Gamow, Dr Teller and later Dr Kuroda first encountered this in the 1950s in the sense of using nuclear space burst phenomenology to predict the cosmological background radiation, abundances of the light elements due to an incomplete fusion burn (like Teller’s early H-bomb design, it expanded and cooled too fast to fuse all the hydrogen in the big bang fireball!), etc. Unfortunately, this is very unfashionable amongst the WIMPy physicists at the top. Big Bang cosmologist Weinberg tried to use Einstein’s classical curved space to argue against this simple explosion analogy, and this argument is taboo for almost religious reasons, as well as unfashionable. (You even get people trying to deny that explosions are possible in “space”, despite many successful nuclear tests in space, not to mention supernovas, etc.)

    • Robert A. Wilson Says:

      Yes, I agree that there is a lot in common between nuclear bombs and explosions (e.g. of stars) in the larger universe. Where I find it difficult to follow is to extrapolate to the “Big Bang”. That is, I can imagine big bangs that take place in space and time, and may be many orders of magnitude bigger than exploding stars, and I can imagine that there was a bang 14 billion years ago that was so huge it wiped out almost all trace of anything that came before it, up to a huge distance from where we are in the universe. But I cannot imagine an explosion that was so big as to create the entire universe, because that explosion would have had to be infinitely big, and therefore physically impossible.

      And I think the JSWT data support my point of view: up to a very large distance away, the universe looks like fallout from a massive explosion. But if you go far enough away, it doesn’t look like that any more.

      • Robert A. Wilson Says:

        It’s the hypothetical “inflation” that is the problem. The universe is not uniform enough for this to be a realistic scenario. The universe is more “fractal” than this. This argues against a “top down” construction of a single “Big Bang” that created everything, and for a “bottom up” construction of many bangs of various sizes that create structure on various scales.

      • Nige Cook Says:

        Not infinitely big, 4.2 x 10^70 Joules (10^55 megatons of TNT equivalent). Within 3 minutes of the big bang, the temperature was ~10^9 K, on the same order of that reached in a very efficient nuclear explosive, such as the isentropically compressed Ripple II, 30 October 1962 at Christmas Island. After that, it’s a straightforward nuclear fusion reaction. If you junk the GR-based classical cosmological epicycles model like the FRW metric (fiddled with ad hoc and unexplained dark energy and dark matter), you can get a simple implosion bomb analogy that explains dark energy and gravity quantitatively. I used to argue that this debunks string theory, because once you’ve got one fact based mechanism that gives non-spin-2 gravitation and correctly predicted dark energy in advance, you don’t need string. However, string theorists don’t want falsification of their budgets. It’s more curious why Woit and people like him don’t care.

      • Nige Cook Says:

        “It’s the hypothetical “inflation” that is the problem. The universe is not uniform enough for this to be a realistic scenario.” – Dr Wilson

        Regarding “inflation”; this is to get extreme flatness in the FRW metric (GR epicycles) cosmology which predicts that the compressed ~10^52 kg mass at early times has huge gravitational fields (curvature), causing far too much predicted fluctuation in masses around the universe than observed in the 300,000 year originated microwave background radiation. (This was first observed in the 70s using high altitud U2 spy planes with microwave sensors, then satellites like COBE were used from 1992.)

        NASA’s Louise Riofrio’s empirical equation for the universe, tc^3 = Gm, is actually derivable (see https://vixra.org/pdf/1305.0012v2.pdf). Riofrio claims, mistakenly I believe, that this shows c varies with the cube-root of time, without mechanism. I’ve gone into this and it’s wrong. The correct solution is Newton’s coupling G is directly proportional to age of universe t. This gets rid of inflation by predicting the observed weak curvature at 300,000 years (background radiation decoupling time, when matter ceased being a radiation-absorbing ionized gas).

      • Lars Says:

        how do you get any Big Bang (explosion) at all if the initial density and size are such that the contained mass and energy would comprise a black hole from which nothing can escape?

      • Lars Says:

        Yes,I know.

        There is an “escape clause” (quite literally):

        the traditional laws of physics (including those that govern black holes) didn’t apply at the Big Bang.

        very convenient.

      • Robert A. Wilson Says:

        You misunderstand me – I don’t get a Big Bang, because I don’t need one. A steady state universe does not need an act of creation. The theory of black holes is based on an incorrect theory of gravity (GR), so the universe does not have to obey the laws of this incorrect theory.

      • Lars Says:

        I meant “you” in the general sense.

        ”One” is just so English and proper that I don’t like using it.

      • Robert A. Wilson Says:

        What probably is needed, however, is a mechanism for neutron stars to explode and scatter their neutrons far and wide. And probably a mechanism for galaxy-scale explosions as well.

      • Lars Says:

        I have no clue what happened at the beginning or even whether there was a beginning.

        But the one thing I do know is that “Big Bang/Inflation creation physics” is pretty much indistinguishable from religion.

      • Robert A. Wilson Says:

        As far as I can tell it is the gravi-weak mixing that holds the key to these processes. Once gravity comes into serious conflict with the Pauli exclusion principle, something has to give, and the weak force finally asserts itself, and says enough is enough.

      • Lars Says:

        On a somewhat related note to the question about the Big Bang, how does a black hole “communicate” its gravitational field to objects outside the event horizon?

        Are the (assumed) “mediators” of the gravitational field (gravitons) not themselves subject to the gravitational field of the black hole? (I was under the perhaps mistaken impression that they were)

        if that is not the case (they are subject to it) how do they escape beyond the event horizon — eg, to “update” the field outside the new event horizon formed when two black holes merge?

      • Lars Says:

        of course, this question would not arise at all with “push gravity”.

      • Robert A. Wilson Says:

        Precisely. This is a fundamental contradiction to the very existence of a black hole.

      • Robert A. Wilson Says:

        With push gravity the black hole can eat as many gravitons as it wants, and reduce the push from inside, leading to more effective push from the outside.

      • Lars Says:

        on second thought, it would still arise albeit in the sense that there would be complete absorption of all particles intercepted by the black hole.

      • Lars Says:

        but I guess the gravitational field surrounding the black hole (and therefore total absorption cross section) would be completely determined by the radius of the event horizon

        so presumably the math would work out even though ALL the particles impinging on the hole would be absorbed (unlike the case of an object like the earth or sun where only some of the impinging carrier particles would be absorbed/blocked)

    • Robert A. Wilson Says:

      You may be right – I don’t claim to have any special insight here, just a healthy scepticism of the official party line.

      • Lars Says:

        it’s my party

        and I’ll lie if I want to

        lie if I want to

        lie if I want to

        it’s my party and I’ll lie if I want to

        you would lie too if it* happened to you

        *award of Nobel prize

  2. Lars Says:

    based on your regular posts, shouldn’t that be Weekly Interacting Mathy Person?

    or should it be Dayly?

  3. Unification of particles and fundamental forces – Quantum field theory Says:

    […] Another: https://robwilson1.wordpress.com/2024/02/20/wimps/#comment-7491 […]

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