Very Cold Dark Matter

To a first approximation, what the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) model of cosmology gets right is the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB). In other words, it gets the overall scale of the universe right. The smaller things get, the more difficulty it has. At galaxy scales it has great difficulty producing a type of dark matter that interacts with ordinary matter in just the right way to produce the detailed properties that are observed. At wide binary scales (of the order of a light-week) LCDM is apparently ruled out entirely.

But this depends on the properties of the “dark matter”. Given that essentially all possibilities have been ruled out, we must look again at the arguments, and see if there is a hidden (and possibly false) assumption in any of them. In the previous post, I identified one such hidden assumption, which is that the half-life of a free neutron is a universal constant. This is not just a hidden assumption, it is one that appears to be false, according to experiments conducted on Earth. Today, the discrepancy amounts to 3 sigma, that is to say, a confidence level of 99.7%. This is pretty good, but not good enough for physicists to say they are really confident (for that, they insist on 5 sigma, or about 99.9999%).

Anyway, experiment strongly suggests that the half-life of a free neutron is not a universal constant. And if it is not a constant, what does it depend on? In the usual theory, it depends on the amount of free energy there is available to drive the decay, that is, on the relative mass difference between the neutron itself and the decay products. On the Earth, we measure this energy difference at about .08%, which is a very small amount of energy, so the half-life is very long. But if the half-life depends on the environment, as experiment suggests, then in particular it may depend on things like the rotation of the Earth.

That is where my empirical formulae for the electron/proton/neutron mass ratios come in, that suggest a dependence on the number of days in a year, and on the angle of tilt of the Earth’s axis. The number of days in a year is constant enough that it won’t affect experimental results, but the angle of tilt is not. As the angle of tilt decreases, the amount of free energy increases very slightly, so the half-life decreases. but the angle of tilt varies in quite a complicated way, sometimes increasing, sometimes decreasing, in a predictable pattern including an oscillation with a period of 18.6 years. In particular, this variation is complicated enough that the pattern will not be obvious just by looking at the experimental data. But the inconsistency of the results may be obvious.

In fact, the inconsistency is at present attributed to a difference between the types of experiments that are used to make the measurement. This is a possibility, of course, but I think it is more likely to be independent of the type of experiment, and dependent on the timing of the experiment. Anyway, all this is highly speculative, and all we can really say is that the assumption of a universal constant half-life of a free neutron is an unsafe assumption. Even on Earth, it seems unsafe, let alone in the wider universe.

So we need a new assumption about the half-life of a free neutron, that is compatible with observations of the cosmos. We need an assumption that free neutrons are stable on scales of the lifetime of the universe, provided they are far enough away from any stars or galaxies or any other larger concentrations of matter. How far away is far enough? MOND phenomenology suggests that we measure this in terms of the strength of the gravitational field, that is the acceleration due to gravity, and that the critical acceleration is roughly the same as the acceleration of the Solar System towards the centre of the Milky Way.

With this assumption, free neutrons that are closer to the centre of the Milky Way will eventually decay, and the decay products will eventually be captured by the magnetic fields of stars, and on the timescale of the age of the galaxy, there will be nothing left of them. But free neutrons that are more than about 1.5 times as far away from the centre as we are will never decay at all, and however many there were to begin with, they are still there, forming a halo of baryonic dark matter, that is so cold that it cannot be seen. That is why I call it Very Cold Dark Matter (VCDM).

VCDM has very different properties from the usual assumptions for CDM. Ordinary CDM should clump together in the centres of galaxies, but VCDM does not: as soon as it gets anywhere near the galactic centre, it decays, and vanishes in a puff of smoke. We can’t see it, because it isn’t there. We can’t detect it as we pass “through” it, because it isn’t there. The Solar System has cleared it all out of the way billions of years ago. It isn’t there. But it is out there on the edges of the galaxy, where no-one can see it.

Now, how much VCDM do you think there is? Well, analysis of the CMB indicates that it should comprise about 85% of the matter in the universe. In other words, matter is about 85% neutrons, 14% hydrogen, and 1% everything else. Not unreasonable, I think. Most of the neutrons are in the regions of space that are far away from any stars or galaxies, and we know that the universe is full of such enormous “voids”. But perhaps they are not as empty as we think.

So far so good, but here is the acid test: can free neutrons explain the behaviour of wide binaries in our neck of the woods? First we have to look at where the VCDM is in the galaxy. I have suggested a sharp cutoff point about 1.5 times larger than our orbit in the galaxy, but this is likely to be an over-simplification. It could fall off quite gradually, if the half life of the neutron becomes very long, but not quite infinite. So let’s suppose that there is some VCDM surrounding a wide binary. What happens to it? Within the system, much of it falls into one star or the other, decays and disappears. But not all of it. VCDM sitting in the middle will continue just sitting there, increasing the effective mass of each star as seen by the gravitational attraction on the other.

What does this look like phenomenologically? It looks like increasing the active gravitational mass of each star, while having no effect on the inertial mass. It looks like a modified gravity (MG) version of MOND. What does observation say? It depends who you believe, but I would say that phenomenologically, wide binaries look like MOND, and not like LCDM. And I would also say that VCDM also looks like MOND, and therefore looks like observations.

So there you have it, my model of cosmology in a nutshell, the VCDM model. Perhaps you also want me to address the question of Dark Energy (Lambda)? Well, let me have another sleepless night to think about that, and I’ll tell you my conclusions tomorrow.

12 Responses to “Very Cold Dark Matter”

  1. Nige Cook Says:

    I don’t think an 8 second discrepancy in the 14 minutes half life of a free neutron undergojng beta decay is proof of anything other than experimental problems with measuring the beta decay rate of the downquarks in free neutrons. You have to know how many free neutrons you actually have under observation, as well as the radiation emission rate, to estimate the half life. You can more easily measure downquark decays rates in many nuclides – since essentially all of the fission products in nuclear reactor waste undergo beta decay (with a few exceptions where alpha or gamma or EC decays occur) – to much greater accuracy, and this beta half life data shows no variation (except for relativistic time dilation effects due to motion or gravitational field strength). So it seems to be experimental problems.

    • Robert A. Wilson Says:

      That is entirely possible, of course. But theorists always blame experiment, and never consider the possibility that their theory might be wrong. I want to see what happens if the experiments are actually right, and the theory is wrong for once.

    • Robert A. Wilson Says:

      On second thoughts, you are probably right. This discrepancy of nearly 1% is far too large to be caused by the gravitational effect I proposed, and therefore must have a different cause.

      Nevertheless, my quantum gravity model really does predict that free neutron decay rates change as the gravitational/accelerational/rotational environment changes. But it makes no such prediction for any nuclides whatsoever.

    • Robert A. Wilson Says:

      The point is that my model describes free neutron decay as a pure gravi-weak interaction, whereas all other beta decay mixes with the strong force, at which point it becomes too difficult for me to calculate anything.

  2. Robert A. Wilson Says:

    The basic question is, where does the energy come from to power free neutron decay? My contention is that it comes from the gravitational field. I know this is radical to the point of being crackpot, but the standard assumption that the energy is “internal” is conservative to the point of being crackpot. My calculations going back nine years indicate that the amount of energy available depends on the gravitational field, and this cannot be true unless the energy is actually drawn from the gravitational field.

    There are similar questions regarding nuclear fusion in the Sun: once the reaction gets going, it generates energy, but to get the reaction going in the first place, you need a lot of gravitational energy to keep everything compressed together. Does that gravitational energy get used up, or does it get replenished? I don’t know, but my money is on it getting used up.

  3. huskercr Says:

    Fascinating speculation! Would be interesting to see how you calculated the 1.5 times as far away from the galactic center as our solar system as a transition for neutron decay.

    I have never seen BBN expressed as neutrons vs H and He; will have to look that up.

    But I am doubtful that these neutrons could be the (V)CDM, as my (probably naive) interpretation of the Baryonic Tully Fischer Relation and the Radial acceleration Relation is that baryonic matter appears to completely determine galactic dynamics, albeit how gravitationally is not completely understood.

    Finally, any thoughts on the anomalous rotations of galaxy clusters and your VCDM neutrons?

    • Robert A. Wilson Says:

      It was more of a guess than a calculation.

      TBH, I am also doubtful that stable neutrons could act as dark matter to explain galaxy rotation curves etc. But they might still be a *better* explanation than “new physics” dark matter.

      Also, in galaxy clusters one could get a significant mass of neutrons between the galaxies, which might explain why MOND on its own does not seem to provide quite enough gravity for clusters.

  4. Quax Says:

    This paper makes a good case that neutron lifetime measurements in space are entirely feasible:

  5. Robert A. Wilson Says:

    Sorry, no inspiration yet concerning dark energy. I think it’s just neutrinos, but it could be a centrifugal force coming from Mach’s Principle. Perhaps these are the same thing.

    • Robert A. Wilson Says:

      You see, if you think the centrifugal force is a real force, then you’ve got to put in a very large amount of energy to get the universe to rotate. That’s what particle physicists do, because they insist that the laboratory is at rest, so for consistency they have to assume that the universe revolves around them. Astronomers and cosmologists, on the other hand, take a somewhat broader view, informed by the Copernican revolution, and assume that the universe is not rotating, but that the laboratory is. That puts the particle physicists in a spin, of course, but it reduces the amount of energy required for the rotations by about 120 orders of magnitude. One can understand both points of view, I suppose, but I think we should get the philosophers to adjudicate.

  6. huskercr Says:

    Very very interesting. I am doubtful though that neutrons could be the dark matter in galaxies, as my (possibly naive) understanding is that the Radial Acceleration Relation and the Baryonic Tully Fisher Relation, both of which depend only on baryonic matter (excluding your neutrons), preclude the existence of any dark matter influencing the dynamics of galaxies – or at least make it absurdly unlikely that just the right amount of dark matter with just the right properties in just the right distribution …

    • Robert A. Wilson Says:

      Well, yes, this is just a vague idea, rather than a fully thought out hypothesis. It’s probably been thought of before, and ruled out for various reasons. But the new idea is that the decay time of free neutrons is dependent on the ambient gravity, and I am fairly sure that that idea has never been (seriously) considered before. According to standard cosmology, the decay time of neutrons is a critical factor in the early development of the universe, and even a 1% difference can make a huge difference on cosmological timescales.

      Now there is a lot of work to do to turn this idea into dynamical models and predictions and so on, so I wouldn’t want to second-guess what these predictions might be. The MOND paradigm stills needs some extra gravity from somewhere, and we need a physical mechanism for this to happen before we can really rule anything out or in. The question is, how does the known baryonic matter exert more gravity than Newton-Einstein says? My suggestion is that it enlists the help of the dark neutrons to cloak itself in extra mass to do the job. And because these neutrons are basically normal matter, they attach themselves closely, but not too closely, to visible matter, if there is any visible matter near enough to affect them at all.

      Different galaxies can then behave differently, according to ”local” differences in dark neutron densities, on an intergalactic scale. And then one needs some mechanism for replenishing the supply of dark neutrons, if they decay fast enough to need replenishing.

      Someone suggested to me that very cold neutrons should behave like a superfluid, and I know that superfluid dark matter is one of the hypotheses that people investigate. The difference here is that if these neutrons get too close to stars, they get too hot and cease to be superfluid. “Too close” seems to be about 10^11 km, which is quite a small distance in astronomical terms.

      Anyway, my next step is to try to develop my model of free neutron decay times, and how they couple to gravity, so that I can make some testable predictions. I vaguely remember that there are some other strange observations of beta decay of radioactive isotopes, that seem to vary with the time of day, so if I can find some of that experimental evidence as well, I might have more chance of being taken seriously.

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